Introducing the EUROCRIM Conference

The Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology (ESC) is one of Europe's most significant gatherings of criminologists and professionals in related fields. It provides a platform for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers from all over the world to discuss and share their work on various aspects of criminology, criminal justice, and related social sciences.

Logos of crime and punishment

Logos is a principle originating in classical Greek thought which refers to a universal divine reason, immanent in nature, yet transcending all oppositions and imperfections in the cosmos and humanity. The word λόγος (logos) traditionally means “word” but can also mean reason, principle, standard, thought, speech, or logic. Stoicists used the Logos doctrine as a principle for human law and morality. What does the logos of crime have to do with all the above? It is related since it refers to the research on the reason and causes of crime and is strongly associated with the logos of punishment. Both engaged the research of generations of criminologists, whether positivist, interactionist or critical. Since the topic of the conference is broad, it offers criminologists affiliated with the ESC together with historians, philosophers, sociologists, jurists and psychologists a notable opportunity for the discussion and presentation of their work.

Key Dates

Abstracts Submission period opens 
January 1st,  2025 

Abstracts Submission Deadline 
March 1st, 2025

Deadline for Acceptance Notification 
May 10th, 2025

Early bird registration deadline 
June 1st, 2025

Important notice

Presenting authors of accepted abstracts must pre-register and pay for the conference by the early bird registration deadline
(June 1st, 2025).

Only fully registered delegates can present at the conference and will have their abstracts included in the programme.
Each presenting author is responsible for the payment of the registration fee(s), as well as travel and accommodation costs.

The Conference will start in:

100 +
0 +
50 +
100 +

Programme Structure

Programme Structure

Preliminary Programme Structure is available Subject to change
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Abstract Submission Site

Abstract Submission Site

Available by November 30, 2024

List of topics

Programme Structure

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