ACG Office of Athletics & Recreation

The ACG Office of Athletics & Recreation is pleased to support the EUROCRIM 2025 conference, hosted at ACG.

A 50% discount on the monthly subscription fee (September 1-30, 2025) will apply for all conference attendees and the 35€ registration fee will be waived.

Conference participants who wish to take advantage of this offer, should follow the steps below:

  1. Register online HERE (select ACG FITNESS).
  2. Enter EUROCRIM2025, in the “CAR’s plates” tab, to be eligible for the benefits.
  3. Leave the “Member Affiliation” section blank.
  4. Upload the required -signed and stamped- medical certificates. You may find the template HERE.
    Medical certificates that are signed by the doctor more than 3 months prior to the date of submission will not be accepted.

After completing the registration process, the ACG Office of Athletics & Recreation will contact you via email and inform you about the next steps and the payment.

Registrations open on August 27th and must be completed no later than September 2nd.